Rocky Mountain Uveitis
After coordinating the uveitis service at Colorado Retina Associates for 14 years, Dr. Dacey founded Rocky Mountain Uveitis (RMU) in 2024 to create a dedicated regional center for the treatment of complex autoimmune and infectious ocular conditions. RMU is proud to be a tertiary referral center for patients in Colorado and several surrounding states, from Montana and Wyoming in the north to New Mexico in the south. We see uveitis patients of all ages, and approximately 20% of our practice is care of pediatric patients.
The philosophy of our practice is to provide cutting edge and comprehensive care for uveitis patients. This goes far beyond office exams and medications. Our team will help patients through every aspect of their uveitis care, from prescribing, therapy to lab work and imaging. We will coordinate care with other physicians and have longstanding relationships with rheumatologists and other specialists, as uveitis care is frequently not limited just to the eyes but can be part of many systemic conditions.
Clinical research is a vital part of Rocky Mountain Uveitis, with several active clinical trials looking for new advances and treatment options for both adults and children with uveitis. Dr. Dacey has over 15 years of experience in uveitis clinical trials and will discuss these options with you, to help advance the field and to provide innovative therapies to our patients.
Dr. Dacey and RMU are proud to be part of Retina Consultants of America and are involved in coordinating care for uveitis patients around the region and the country. We frequently co-manage patients with local ophthalmologists to help facilitate care for patients who visit us from areas outside of metro Denver.
Our clinical team has over 30 years of experience in the direct care of uveitis patients. Uveitis is a challenging field that often requires chronic management. We strongly value these long-term relationships that we have with our patients, and we endeavor to provide both the compassion and expertise to best treat uveitis patients in the Rocky Mountain region.